Negotiation Skills

Participants will achieve a strong foundation in negotiation and influencing skills. These skills will provide the basis for long-term, sustainable outcomes in both internal and external negotiations.

Over the three-day workshop participants will come to understand how the negotiation and influencing process works and learn a systematic framework to manage the process of planning and implementing specific negotiation strategies. The workshop can develop negotiation and influencing skills and confidence for teams and enhance individuals.

 The workshop combines individual and team-based skill development, using each participant’s case studies developed around past, current, and future negotiation cases.

Our methodology focuses on ensuring that new concepts are immediately applied during and after the workshop.


  • Understanding the nature of negotiation (i.e. how we negotiate vs. what we negotiate)

  • Defining and understanding what we mean by “negotiation”

  • Differentiating between the types of outcomes: Matter > Means > Relationships

  • The timeline of negotiation; understanding the importance of pre-negotiation and preparation

  • Using a personal negotiation style

  • Diagnosing the needs and motivations of the other side

  • Managing the environment of the negotiation

  • Negotiation practice and debriefing

  • Introduction to strategic language and questioning

  • Verbal and non-verbal communication skills in negotiation

  • Identifying and managing tactics & counter tactics

  • Controlling the power balance

  • Individual negotiations prep; each participant prepares their own negotiation case

  • Pacing the negotiations and managing through the critical phases

  • How to use and implement questions to influence

  • Breaking through impasse

  • Concession making

  • Negotiation cases practices and rehearsal; designing and testing strategic options

  • Organizational and individual planning